À propos de nous
Aquanaut Dive Club a été créé en 1989 et est un centre de plongée PADI depuis 1992. Nous sommes situés à Hurghada, l'une des plus anciennes destinations de plongée en Égypte. Notre centre de plongée propose de nombreux services, notamment la plongée à terre, la plongée quotidienne, les cours de plongée, les excursions de plongée en apnée, les safaris de croisière et la location d'équipement. Nous vous garantissons que nos instructeurs PADI vous feront passer un moment inoubliable en mer Rouge. Nos instructeurs professionnels vous offriront une expérience sécuritaire et mémorable.

Livre d'or
Vroeger mijn eerste duikvakantie gedaan bij aquanaut, toen zat vertrokken de boten nog vanuit een ander hotel. Ik vond de prijs/kwaliteit verhouding goed. Mooie duiken gemaakt: o.a. muerenes, inkvissen en ook dolfijnen gezien. Het schip was wel wat verouderd toen, die van nu ziet er veel mooier uit.Krijg weer zin een duikje te maken bij het zien van deze site. de duikgroeten uit Lisse.
Ann. J
We really enjoyed our three days of diving with Aquanaut. Our family was a challenge - seven adults of varying levels of experience, two kids under 12, and a wheelchair! Aquanaut took care of all of our needs and provided excellent services in all aspects of our three days of diving. They have experienced professionals and we will be back soon! Many thanks!
Hi! Thanks a lot for the great day I had with you! 2 excellent dives in the Red Sea! Very nice crew and superb food! Had a lot of fun! And seeing a group of dolphins while snorkeling was great! Cheers, Chris :-)
Richard & Wendy
United States
Greetings from San Antonio, Texas! Wendy and I dove with Aquanaut on Dec 21 and 22 and had a fabulous time - our first time to dive in the Red Sea. It was all we hoped for and more - just wish we could have stayed longer and had more dives! Thank you so much for your hospitality - all the staff, crew, and dive masters were wonderful and really made our time there great. We will definitely recommend Aquanaut to everyone, and we hope to return someday and dive with you again. Happy New Year!
walter & eva
Many greetings from america (philadelphia) and A HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the staff from aquanaut wish